Rock climbing is an apt analogy for coaching. In rock climbing, the climber can go it alone, but many prefer to work with a partner (belayer), finding it makes the climb easier, safer, and more rewarding. The belayer’s role is to support and encourage the climber, ensuring that the climber can take greater risks while still being supported and safe. If the climber stops, the belayer removes the slack in the line so that the climber can reassess and comfortably plan the next step forward. As the climber moves, the belayer gradually feeds out more line so that the climber can rise. If the climber can’t decide on the next foothold to use, the belayer offers a different perspective on possible paths to take or ways to maneuver. Sometimes, the belayer will even have the climber take a step sideways or downward in order to open up a new path not previously seen by the climber. If the climber slips, the belayer is there to keep the climber from falling, to share what went wrong, and to plan a new approach.
At Rock Solid Consultants, our clients do all the hard work of climbing, but we are proud to help support, encourage, and counsel on the way to the top. We push our clients to stretch outside their comfort zone, take new risks, and achieve their goals.